Next Meeting
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
7:00 p.m. SHARP
Alan Handelsman -"That's
Always Been Hard For Me”
Sacchi - “Why Do We
Get Dis-eases? How to
Get to the
Root With Hypnosis”
You know both of them as loyal ASPH Members.
(Alan is a past ASPH President.)
Tina and Alan are among Arizona’s best known
and most successful hypnotherapists.
Tina Sacchi
“Why Do We Get Dis-eases? How to Get to the Root
With Hypnosis”
For almost every dis-ease
(lack of ease), there is a probable emotional cause. If we don't get to the
of the issue by peeling the
layers away with hypnosis, we will continue to feel ill or a dis-ease. We
must find and learn the
true source of dis-ease in order to be completely healed.
Tina G. Sacchi is a
holistic shamanic practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, speaker
& teacher. Her techniques
include dowsing, Reiki, ear coning, meditation, life coaching,
spiritual coaching, crystal
and sound healing. After climbing the ladder to senior executive
positions in corporate
America for over almost 20 years, Tina
felt that there was still
something missing and as a
result, she battled some physical illnesses such as diabetes,
arthritis, shingles, etc.,
which are no longer part of her life.
“And now what?” she asked.
Although she was always successful in her various positions,
she wasn’t passionate about
her career and wanted to claim back her physical health. So in
1997, she left corporate
America, gained her health back with hypnosis and realized what
a great healing tool Hypnosis
was. And so she started studying profusely the many alternative
healing techniques she now
uses to help others, with Hypnosis being a favorite that
helped her overcome
dis-eases. Later, Tina was confronted
with cancer, another informant
where she got to the root,
obtained lessons, and has moved on to excellent health.
Tina’s website is
Alan Handelsman
“That's Always Been Hard For Me”
Is there an issue that a
client presents to you that always makes you cringe? Or that you find
hard to address? Is there a
part of the hypnotherapy process where you lose confidence?
Alan Handelsman would like
to address those very problems. If you have some part of your
practice that you'd like
more confidence with, or would like to be a demonstration
“subject,” please contact
If you are having a problem
with a certain presenting issue or part of the process, chances
are good that others are as
well. You will have the gratitude and appreciation of the
whole group, as well as
(Alan Handelsman:
After graduating in 1972 from Northeast High School
in Philadelphia near the top of
his class, but a good 15 to
20 places below Lewis Heller (it depends on who you talk to – Alan
or Lewis), Alan finished
his academic career by enrolling at West Chester State College as a
music major receiving his
B.S. (It’s not what you think) degree in 1977. Always on the fast
track, Alan earned his
Master’s Degree in Music performance twelve years later, in 1989.
In his long career as a
musician, he was putting people to sleep on a regular basis, so his
switch to Hypnosis was a
natural progression. The other reason for his entrance into the
field of Hypnotherapy was
that he needed so much help, he was hoping to get a
professional discount.
Whether as a musician,
developer of the Resonance Tuner™, public speaker, or
Hypnotherapist, Alan has
come to be very widely known in very small circles.
Now semi-retired, he lives
a life of relative seclusion at an undisclosed location in South
Scottsdale at 6112 E.
Vernon Ave. He lives with his wife Anita (the one with the real
sense of humor), and his
male rabbit named Precious, who obviously has some issues of his
own to work out.
Tuesday Meetings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Free for
Certificates &C. E. U. Credit Hours Awarded for
(2 credits per meeting attended)
September 7, 2010 - Don Rice -
, ,
“Past Life Voyages”
October 5, 2010 – Sam Sterk, PhD - “HARMONY HEALTH VITALITY Weight Loss Program”
November 2, 2010
- Robert O’Connor “Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy -
Looking Into The Crystal Ball” & ASPH 2011 Nominations
December 7, 2010
– Holiday Party - Pier
dé Orleans (ASPH Members Free!!)
PM-9:30 PM
Pier dé Orleans Restaurant
ASPH Paid Members Free!
Choice of 5 Entrées,
Incl. a Vegetarian Entrée
Cash Bar
We will start to take reservations for guests and entrée choices
in November.
President: Robert O’Connor
Vice-President: Sandi Graves
Secretary: Tim Paulson –
Treasurer: Sylvia
Shelton -
Statutory Agent and
Parliamentarian: Carol Adler –
The ASPH Website
and are the domains for Arizona Society for Professional
Attention All Practicing Hypnotherapists:
you wish to have your contact information listed on the ASPH website followed
by a brief paragraph, 300 words maximum, kindly send this written information
(MS Word Document) to Tim Paulson, ASPH Secretary, by email at as soon as possible.
" Notes
from the Secretary: Tim Paulson "
A reminder … The cut-off date to add
event information to the monthly newsletter is the 14th of the month
following the last meeting,
or at the mid-point of the month before
the next meeting. Please submit your event information on or before that date
via email to
" Notes from the Statutory
Agent: Carol Adler "
ASPH By-Laws Amendment
Below is a new Amendment to the ASPH By-Laws, as per ASPH membership
unaninous vote of “yes.”
First time non-ASPH
member presenters who give a monthly presentation are entitled to free
membership for the rest of that fiscal year.
Non-ASPH members who
gave a presentation in the past will be treated as “guests” during the
following fiscal year(s). They are entitled to two (2) free guest visits and
then, if they wish to attend subsequent meetings that fiscal year, they will be
required to join as a first-time member and pay the first-time fees as well as
the regular ASPH annual membership dues.
Non-ASPH member
presenters who become returning presenters during another fiscal year are
entitled to free membership for the rest of that fiscal year. At any time
thereafter, if they would like to join ASPH, the one-time fees are waived and
they will be required to pay only annual membership dues.
Visitors and guests are welcome to attend two meetings free of
charge, after which they are invited to join ASPH. They also have the option of
paying a $5.00 fee for each month attended thereafter. Spouses and partners of
members are considered part of the ASPH and have free meeting privileges.
C.E.U Credits for National
Guild of Hypnotists are submitted for Members only.
Helga Faldich
Dr. Maggie Hyland
Julius Nestor
Susan Poznanski
Did we miss your July
Birthday? Please let us know!
you would like to have your birthday date added to the ASPH list, please send
us that information (your name and birthday month and day), so we can celebrate with you!! J
Member Newsletter Announcements should be approximately ¼ - ½ page
and ready to cut and paste into the newsletter. All newsletter announcements
must be directly
connected to enhancing hypnosis techniques and therapies or serve as a support
to the business and profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Credit Card
Processing Solutions for Your Business
This company is a
preferred vendor of The National Guild of Hypnotists and their members.
Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,
Diners Club, JCB, ATM, debit cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT cards),
electronic gift and loyalty cards as well as a variety of private label and
smart card technologies. Whether you're a retail store, restaurant,
supermarket, gas station or lodging merchant, we have the transaction
processing solution that's right for you. We also offer solutions for mail
order and telephone order, e-Commerce, Internet and home-based businesses.
Contact Linda Monico
New England Payment
Cell 1.866.236.5424 Fax
Networking Meeting
If you would like to discuss building
your practice, or any other hypnosis related topics over dinner, please
plan on arriving at the Home Town Buffet about 6:00pm. Join us in the NW corner
of the dining room for a
relaxed, casual, and stimulating dinner conversation of subjects important to
us all.
The following members are available to easily network
among ASH members. If you would like to have your contract information included
in this list of ASPH members, please email ( ) with your name, phone number and email
Bertram 602-920-3281
Rebekah Costello 602
Sandi Graves
Phil Hamilton
Alan Handelsman 602-478-8346
Robert (Bob) LaBine
Robert J. O’Connor 602-593-4006
Susan Poznanski 602-843-8835
Martha Reed
623 249-5888
Tina Sacchi 623-261-6167
Cheryle Timbrook 480-201-7723
Some Links
to Professional Association Websites
The International Hypnosis Research Institute
Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Association of Counselors & Therapists
International Hypnosis Federation
Association for Regression Research & Therapies Inc.
American Hypnosis Association - AHA
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute
Association to
Advance Ethical Hypnosis (AAEH)
- Events Calendar
Social & Professional Networking on the Internet:
your own free hypnosis “lenses” at Squidoo!
Read any good articles about hypnosis in
a magazine or on the web lately?
Think it’s one that others in our organization would find interesting?
Email a copy or link to the article to
our secretary at to be included in our next newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report
On July 15, 2010, the
ASPH Bank Account Balance was $2,874.38.
Thank you so much for
sending in your Renewal and New Membership Dues!
Remember to make out
your Membership Dues checks to:
Carol Adler
Write On the Check: “Pay To The Order Of Carol
Do NOT “Pay
To The Order of ASPH!!”
New banking laws do not
allow a non-profit non tax-paying organization to pay to the order of the name
of the organization. Checks must be made out to an actual person representing
the organization. As Statutory Agent, Carol Adler is that designated
representative. Thank you for your cooperation!