Next Meeting
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
7:00 p.m. SHARP
Topic: “Hypnosis to Achieve
The Mental Edge in Sports”
Presenter: Dr. Sam Sterk, CHt
HomeTown Buffet
(On the
Please no
dining during the meeting.
Click here for driving directions
save you a seat!!
ASPH Member Dr. Sam Sterk, CHt
Dr. Sam Sterk’s “Hypnosis to Achieve The Mental Edge in Sports” presentation
is an opportunity to learn specific intervention techniques that help
athletes maintain
good Focus and Positive Self Talk.
The term “athletes” does not necessarily imply professional athletes but
can be individuals who are involved in recreational sports. Sports Hypnosis in
the Phoenix
Metro Area is a large relatively untapped market.
Dr. Sam Sterk, CHT
Dr. Sam Sterk
is a trained Psychoanalyst and a trained and certified Master Hypnotherapist.
He completed his post graduate training at the New York Institute for
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.
Dr. Sterk is
the Director of Peak Performance Plus LLC, a Counseling, Hypnosis and Sports
Psychology practice. He has been the Director of several counseling agencies.
Dr. Sterk
teaches Medical Hypnosis at a local medical school to second year medical
students. He is also a Certified Sport Psychology Consultant and was affiliated
with the United States Olympic Center.
His graduate
training was in the field of Behavioral Health at the State University of NY at
Buffalo, Columbia University and Clayton University.
Dr. Sam Sterk
has presented in National conferences in Sports Psychology and has also
published in professional journals. He is currently writing a book about his own trials, tribulations and
victories in battling chronic intractable Asthma.
Contact Information:
Sam Sterk,
Director of
Peak Performance Plus, LLC
Tuesday Meetings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Free for
Certificates &C. E. U. Credit Hours Awarded for
(2 credits per meeting attended)
November 2, 2010
- Robert O’Connor “Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy -
Looking Into The Crystal Ball” & ASPH 2011 Nominations
December 7, 2010 – Holiday
PM-9:30 PM
Pier dé Orleans Restaurant
ASPH Paid Members Free!
Choice of 5 Entrées, Incl. a Vegetarian Entrée
Cash Bar
We will start to take reservations for guests and entrée choices
in November.
Time is Almost Here!
If you would like to serve ASPH as an
officer or if you would like to
nominate an ASPH member to serve as an
officer, please email us at
Below is information about the duties of
each officer.
The President “steers
the ship.” They check and double-check on their own and everyone else’s duties
and responsibilities. The President must be familiar with every activity that
each of the officers must perform in order to insure that the organization is
running smoothly. This requires full knowledge and understanding of the Systems
Manual. Use this manual as a map or blueprint.
From the
President - shall be the
chief officer of the Society, shall sign all official documents that are
authorized by the Society, shall preside at all meetings of the members and
enforce order and a strict compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws,
appoint the chairpersons of all Boards and Committees not otherwise provided
for, be ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees and see that the
officers perform their respective duties faithfully and impartially.
However, except
for the Committee chairpersons, all appointments of committee members shall be
made by the chairperson of said Committee.
While occupying
the chair, the President shall take no part in debate.
The President
shall also transact such other business as may by custom, pertain to that
office. The President shall decide all points of law and order subject to
appeal, which shall forthwith be considered by the Society.
The President
by virtue of their office shall have no vote except to break a tie or deadlock.
The President
shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual for the
Office of President.
Vice President
The Vice-President is
the backup for the President. Like the
President, they are familiar with every activity that each of the officers must
perform in order to insure that the organization is running smoothly. The
Vice-President can easily step in and run the organization in the absence of
the President. This requires full knowledge and understanding of the Systems
Manual. Use this manual as a map or blueprint.
From the
Vice President - shall assist
the President in the performance of their duties. In the absence of the
President the duties of the office shall be performed by the Vice President and
in the absence of the President and Vice President, their duties shall be
performed by the Secretary.
The Vice President or Secretary when performing the duties of the
President shall have no vote except to break a tie or deadlock.
If all three of these Officers are unable to attend a monthly meeting,
the Executive Board shall re-schedule the date of the meeting at a time when
one of these three officers can be in attendance.
The Vice President shall perform all duties as outlined in the current
ASPH Systems Manual for the Office of Vice President.
The Secretary, like the
President, checks and double-checks on their own and everyone else’s duties and
responsibilities. This requires familiarity with every activity that each of
the officers must perform in order to insure that the organization is running
smoothly. Also, the Secretary should be fully capable of running the meeting
and assuming any of the responsibilities for the other officers in case this
becomes necessary. Use this manual as a map or blueprint.
From the
Secretary - shall keep a
correct record of all transactions of each meeting of the Society and Board of
Officers' meetings, and record the same in respective books to be known as the
Book of Minutes.
The Secretary
shall send a monthly newsletter to each member, containing current
announcements and schedule of forthcoming Society meetings, Minutes from the
previous Society meeting, the current Treasurer’s Report, and other information
deemed to be of value to members.
The newsletter
will be sent electronically (by email) and will be sent by post to those
Society members who do not have email addresses. It is the responsibility of
each Society member to deliver the most current email and/or postal address to
the Secretary, who will send this information to the Treasurer.
The monthly
newsletter shall be sent not less than five (5) days or more than twenty-five
(25) days prior to the next meeting date.
The Secretary
and Statutory Agent have access to the email address
at where organization emails are sent and received. The Secretary
shall liaise with Agent to keep the contact list of email addresses current.
The Secretary,
Treasurer and Statutory Agent shall keep an accurate database of Society
members, containing name, address, phone numbers, fax number, email address and
URL address.
The Secretary
is the contact person for all notices and announcements.
At the
expiration of the Secretary's term of office, the Secretary shall give a
correct report of the business of the office to the Society and deliver to the
successor in said office all books and other property belonging to the Society
in retiring Secretary's possession.
The Secretary
shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual for the
Office of Secretary.
The Treasurer will be
familiar with every activity that each of the officers performs. Also, they
should be fully capable of running the meeting and assuming any of the
responsibilities for the other officers in case this becomes necessary. This
includes taking care of banking activities, i.e., depositing checks in the
absence of the Statutory Agent after the Statutory Agent has endorsed the
checks. This requires full knowledge and understanding of the Systems Manual.
Use this manual as a map or blueprint.
From the By-Laws:
Treasurer - The
Treasurer shall liaise with the Statutory Agent to solicit and invoice all
members for their annual dues, keep an accurate account of all the monies
received and expended, and liaise with the Secretary & Statutory Agent to
keep the Membership Roster current.
The Treasurer
shall secure the meeting place for monthly meetings as well as the December
Holiday Party and liaise with the Statutory Agent for arranging monthly
payments to the rental facility manager.
The Treasurer
shall liaise with the Statutory Agent and Secretary to keep a database of paid
members. This database will contain current member information concerning name,
address, phone numbers, fax numbers, email address and URL address.
The Secretary,
Treasurer and Statutory Agent shall confer and update this database on a
monthly basis.
At the regular
meeting held in December of each year, the Treasurer and/or Statutory Agent
shall give to all other officers a correct account of all monies in the
organization’s checking account, together with the books, papers and receipts
belonging to that office. At any time when ordered by the Society, the
Treasurer and/or Statutory Agent shall deliver all monies, books and receipts.
The Treasurer
& Statutory Agent shall deliver to the successor in office all the books
and other properties in said Treasurer's possession belonging to the Society.
All disbursements made by the Treasurer from any monies held by Treasurer
belonging to the Society shall be paid by check or the ASPH bank debit
card. The Treasurer is not authorized at
any time on behalf of the Society to make payments by cash. All expenditures
that exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be approved by the Board of
The Treasurer
shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual for the
Office of Treasurer.
ASPH 2010
President: Robert O’Connor
Vice-President: Sandi
Graves –
Secretary: Tim Paulson –
Treasurer: Sylvia
Shelton -
Statutory Agent and
Parliamentarian: Carol Adler –
The ASPH Website
and are the domains for Arizona Society for Professional
Attention All Practicing Hypnotherapists:
you wish to have your contact information listed on the ASPH website followed
by a brief paragraph, 300 words maximum, kindly send this written information (MS
Word Document) to Tim Paulson, ASPH Secretary, by email at as soon as possible.
" Notes from the Secretary: Tim Paulson "
A reminder … The cut-off date to add
event information to the monthly newsletter is the 14th of the month
following the last meeting, or at the mid-point of the month before the next
meeting. Please submit your event information on or before that date via email
Visitors and guests are welcome to attend two meetings free of
charge, after which they are invited to join ASPH. They also have the option of
paying a $5.00 fee for each month attended thereafter. Spouses and partners of
members are considered part of the ASPH and have free meeting privileges.
C.E.U Credits for National
Guild of Hypnotists are submitted for Members only.
Did we
miss yours? Please let us know!
If you would like to have your birthday date added
to the ASPH list, please send us that information (your name and birthday month
and day), so we can celebrate with you!! J
Member Newsletter
Announcements should be approximately 1/4 page and ready to cut and paste
into the newsletter. All newsletter announcements must be directly connected to enhancing
hypnosis techniques and therapies or serve as a support to the business and
profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis to Achieve The Mental Edge in Sports
Sam Sterk, PhD, CHt
An opportunity to learn specific intervention
techniques that help athletes maintain
good Focus and Positive Self Talk.
Dr. Sterk has a 15 hour course on the training
and concepts needed to do Sports Hypnosis and this course will meet on:
An intensive 8 hour course that prepares you to
be a Sports Hypnotherapist.
Offered Both in November and December:
November 21, 2010 from 9-5
December 4, 2010 from 9-5
Registration is limited. The deadline for
registration is on November 13, 2010. The fee including lunch is: $99.00 per
Early registration by October 15, 2010 reduces
the fee to $85.00, including lunch.
The practice of Sports Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy
and working with athletes is an opportunity to increase your income.
Come and learn hands on techniques that will
add to your practice and boost your income.
Credit Card
Processing Solutions for Your Business
This company is a
preferred vendor of The National Guild of Hypnotists and their members.
Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,
Diners Club, JCB, ATM, debit cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT cards),
electronic gift and loyalty cards as well as a variety of private label and
smart card technologies. Whether you're a retail store, restaurant,
supermarket, gas station or lodging merchant, we have the transaction
processing solution that's right for you. We also offer solutions for mail
order and telephone order, e-Commerce, Internet and home-based businesses.
Contact Linda Monico
603.475.9345 Cell 1.866.236.5424 Fax
Networking Meeting
If you would like to discuss building your practice,
or any other hypnosis related topics over dinner, please
plan on arriving at the Home Town Buffet about 6:00pm. Join us in the NW corner
of the dining room for a
relaxed, casual, and stimulating dinner conversation of subjects important to
us all.
The following members are available
to easily network among ASH members. If you would like to have your contract
information included in this list of ASPH members, please email ( ) with your name, phone number and email address.
Sherry Bertram 602-920-3281
Brady 480-966-8571
Rebekah Costello 602 316-8561
Sandi Graves
Phil Hamilton 602-330-6886
Alan Handelsman 602-478-8346
(Bob) LaBine 480-948-8673
J. O’Connor 602-593-4006
Susan Poznanski
Reed 623 249-5888
Tina Sacchi 623-261-6167
Timbrook 480-201-7723
Some Links
to Professional Association Websites
International Hypnosis Research Institute
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy
Association of Counselors & Therapists
International Hypnosis Federation
International Association for Regression Research
& Therapies Inc.
American Hypnosis
Association - AHA
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute
Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis (AAEH)
Arizona - Events Calendar
Social & Professional Networking on the Internet:
Create your own free hypnosis
“lenses” at Squidoo!
Read any good articles about hypnosis in
a magazine or on the web lately?
Think it’s one that others in our organization would find interesting?
Email a copy or link to the article to
our secretary at to be
included in our next newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report
On October 15, 2010, the ASPH Bank Account Balance was $2,608.07.
Thank you so much for
sending in your Renewal and New Membership Dues!