Arizona Society For Professional Hypnosis
Next Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
7:00 p.m. SHARP
Topic: The Triune
Mind: Belief Formation and Transformation
Presenter: Bill Regner
HomeTown Buffet
(On the West Side of Scottsdale Road, just south of
Please no dining during the meeting.
Click here for driving directions
save you a seat!!
The Triune Mind: Belief Formation and Transformation
With Bill Regner,
Central to every therapeutic
modality is the goal of belief transformation.
As hypnotherapy professionals, we seek to facilitate the formation of
enduring healthy and appropriate belief structures through open communication
between the conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious aspects of the
mind. So, an appreciation is useful of
the roles and interactions between the levels of mind. That
appreciation helps with the understanding of how and why beliefs are
formed; what purpose they serve; and when and why they will
change. Very important too are the role and the responsibilities
of the hypnotherapist is assisting that process.
This presentation will include
portions of the introduction to hypnotherapy discussion that I have with each
new client designed to dispel myths, create a safe environment, and engage the
clients own healing intelligence. For
the hypnotherapists present, I will also share insights gained over 35 years of
practicing mind/body healing modalities on finding a balance between gathering
therapeutic techniques and finding your own way.
Bio: I received my certified clinical hypnotherapist designation upon
completion of 400 hours of training at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in
Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2003. During
that experience I had the privilege of studying with Tim Simmerman and Gil
Beginning in the mid 1970’s I received extensive
training and experience with many therapeutic modalities including age
regression, multi-level awareness, guided imagery, visualization, focusing,
breath work, and progressive relaxation techniques through my involvement in
therapeutic communities dedicated to the personal transformation of both the
staff and the clients. I served as a
program director of youth adolescent residential treatment programs in the
Phoenix and Tucson areas.
In the mid 1970’s, I participated in an intensive nine
month live-in training program called Kunga Ling located in the orange groves
of East Mesa that introduced me to the daily experience of transformation
practices collected from spiritual traditions around the world. That experience led me to an intense karma
yoga study of Vajrajana practices of the Nyingma school of Tibetan
Buddhism that included a seven month stay at the Odiyan Center in Sonoma
County, California and eighteen months as a co-director of the Nyingma
Institute of Colorado in Boulder, CO.
In addition to my core hypnotherapy training plus many
continuing education units and independent study, my formal education includes
a BA in Political Science with a minor in Psychology from the University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ., 30 graduate level credit hours in Treatment of
Emotionally Handicapped Children from Nova Southeastern University, and 24
graduate level credit hours in Business Administration
from the University of Phoenix.
I have been in private practice as a hypnotherapist since 2003. My practice began in Tempe and for the last
two years has been located in the Verde Valley community of Cottonwood near
website is
Phone: (928) 634-9316
Tuesday Meetings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Free for
Certificates &C. E. U. Credit Hours Awarded for
(2 credits per meeting attended)
September –
Topic: TBA – Presenter: KC Miller of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
October –
Hypnosis for Food Addictions – Presenter – Dr. Ilana Oren
November –
Officer Nominations and a short presentation by Lindsay Brady
December –
Holiday Party Time!
July 7, 2009
President, Robert J. O’Connor
called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Everyone introduced themselves and shared why
they attended the meeting.
Secretary, Debbie Gent,
shared information about some upcoming changes to our website, The member listing
page is being changed to reflect general locations for easier searching as well
as all the information on the listings being displayed on the front page (no
more links). Also, we will begin a newsletter archive and the new membership
packets will be downloadable. We hope to have this up and running by the end of
August. If you would like to be listed on the member page, please contact
Debbie at for the form. There
is a $5.00 fee for the listing.
Don Rice lead us in a short relaxation,
then Robert introduced, Gibran
Sepulveda, and told of some to the various radio, television, newspapers and
other media outlets throughout Mexico and the United States, where Gibran
promotes hypnosis as a healing practice.
Gibran spent the evening
filling us with tips on how to use the media and public performances to grow
our practices. He explained that he feels that the media is the most
substantial way to show people that hypnosis WORKS.
So, how do we get started?
First, practice simple induction techniques and therapies until you can do them
quickly and easily. The “fake it ‘til you make it” thing. You must have some
confidence, but don’t wait until you’re full of confidence, just know your
Then, find your favorite
radio or TV show and call the producer, director or host and ask if they would
be interested in having you do a show on hypnosis. The big key here is to be
prepared with your elevator speech. You may get 5 minutes to explain who you
are and what you do. And, you may be asked to hypnotize someone in their office
to prove yourself. It could be one of the techs, secretary, reporter or anyone
in the studio. Be prepared with some quick stage techniques to strut your
stuff. KNOW your instant induction
techniques, and NEVER bring subjects with you.
Be prepared to know what you
want in exchange for doing the show. Forget about money, and let them know you
want PR – your name, website, phone and/or email put out to the audience. And
that for any addition shows you’d like to have them announced in advance.
When doing performances, be
sure to pre-hypnotize your subjects so that all you are doing during the show
it the therapy section. No long inductions. And it’s important to remember that
those who volunteer as subjects are already hypnotized, just like in a stage
show. They are open-minded and ready for whatever comes.
Thanks Gibran, we are ready
to go out and knock ‘em dead and show the world how hypnosis can help them.
After the presentation,
members announced their upcoming events. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Gent, ASPH Secretary
President: Robert O’Connor
Vice-President: Greg
Nielson –
Secretary: Debbie Gent –
Treasurer: Tracy Crouch -
Statutory Agent and
Parliamentarian: Carol Adler –
The ASPH Website is our website. If you are
a professional practicing hypnotherapist, we welcome your contact information.
Kindly email Secretary, Debbie Gent,
for the member listing form and we will add your information to our list. Thank
Charges for our webmaster adding a new listing or updating
your existing information on the ASPH website are $5.00 ~
Please make your check payable to ASPH and bring to
the meeting or mail to:
Tracy Crouch · 2805 W. Plum Hollow Dr · Phoenix, AZ 85086
" Notes from the Secretary – Debbie Gent: "
I look forward to seeing you at our monthly
meetings. If you have any questions about ASPH, please don’t hesitate to
contact me at
Also, if you need copies of the ASPH By-Laws,
Constitution and Code of Ethics or would
like information on the Hypnosis Arizona State Regulations, kindly contact me by email and I will send
them as MS Word attachments.
Just a reminder
… The cut-off date to add event information to the monthly newsletter is the 14th
of the month following the last meeting, or at the mid-point of the month
before the next meeting. Please submit your event information on or before then
via email to me at
Visitors and guests are welcome to attend two meetings free of
charge, after which they are invited to join ASPH or have the option of paying
a five dollar fee for each month attended thereafter. Spouses and partners of
members are considered part of the ASPH and have free meeting privileges.
** C.E.U Credits for National Guild of Hypnotist are submitted for
Members only.
If you wish to become a member, please contact:
Treasurer – Tracy Crouch –
2805 West Plum Hollow Drive, Anthem, AZ 85086 Tel: 602-348-0477
to receive the Application Form and Fee Sheet.
Please see our website at or contact Secretary, Debbie Gent,,
for copies of the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of
Nester 8/9
Poznanski 8/11
Hyland 8/17
Gent 8/21
Faldich 8/24
Although many of you may have sent us your birthday
dates in the past, we are now creating a new list. Be sure to add your birth
date to the roster when you sign in or send us that information (your name and
birthday month and day), so we
can celebrate with you!! J
Member Newsletter Announcements should
be approximately 1/4 page and ready to cut and paste into the newsletter. All
newsletter announcements must be directly
connected to enhancing hypnosis techniques and therapies or serve as a support
to the business and profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Thank you from Bette Taylor – Bette sent us a thank your for the plant that we sent during her recent
hospital visit. If you would like to contact her you can send her an email to
$$$ Dues Reminder – ASPH Dues for 2009 are due.
See invoice at the end of your
newsletter. $$$
Member Benefits:
Great Education and CEU’s each month
Monthly Networking Opportunities
Annual Holiday Party
And …
Priceless Friendships and
If you’re not already a member, join us for 2009.
You’ll be happy you did!
Networking Meeting
If you would like to discuss building your practice,
or any other hypnosis related topics over dinner, please
plan on arriving at the Home Town Buffet about 6:00pm. Join us in the NW corner
of the dining room for a
relaxed, casual, and stimulating dinner conversation of subjects important to
us all.
One of our old time members, Eileen
Soland, is struggling with health issues. If you would like to contact Eileen
she can be reached at 602-996-4122. She’d love to hear from you.
Credit Card
Processing Solutions for Your Business
This company is a
preferred vendor of The National Guild of Hypnotists and their members.
Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,
Diners Club, JCB, ATM, debit cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT cards),
electronic gift and loyalty cards as well as a variety of private label and
smart card technologies. Whether you're a retail store, restaurant,
supermarket, gas station or lodging merchant, we have the transaction
processing solution that's right for you. We also offer solutions for mail
order and telephone order, e-Commerce, Internet and home-based businesses.
Contact Linda Monico
New England Payment
603.475.9345 Cell 1.866.236.5424 Fax
The following members are available to easily network among
yourselves. If you would like to have
your name, phone number and email address included in this list of ASPH
members, please email me ( ) your name, phone number
and email address.
Carol Adler 480-897-4452
Sherry Bertram 602-920-3281
Rebekah Costello 602
Debbie Gent 602-896-0146
Sandi Graves
Phil Hamilton 602-330-6886
Alan Handelsman
Robert (Bob) LaBine,,
Susan Poznanski
Martha Reed
623 249-5888
Tina Sacchi,, 623-261-6167
Cheryle Timbrook,, 480-201-7723
Some Links
to Professional Association Websites
International Hypnosis Research Institute
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy
Association of Counselors & Therapists
International Hypnosis Federation
International Association for
Regression Research & Therapies Inc.
American Hypnosis Association - AHA
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute
Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis (AAEH)
Social & Professional Networking on the Internet:
Read any good articles
about hypnosis in a magazine or on the web lately?
Think it’s one that others in our organization would find interesting?
Email a copy or link to
the article to our secretary at to be included in our next
Thanks to Dave Harrod for this interesting article. |
scans unravel hypnotist’s hand trick
Hypnosis can paralyze a limb by interfering with a region of the
The Associated Press
9:11 a.m. MT, Wed., June 24, 2009
How can a hypnotist paralyze
your hand just with words? By making a part of your brain butt in on the process
that normally makes your hand move, a study says.
the brain region that's ready to move your hand ignores its usual inputs and
listens to this interloper, which says, "Don't even bother," the
research concluded.
"a kind of reconnection between different brain regions," said Yann
Cojan, a researcher at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.
an author of the study in Thursday's issue of the journal Neuron. It used brain
scans to show what happened when 12 volunteers tried to move a hand that had
been paralyzed by hypnosis.
showed the right motor cortex prepared itself as usual to tell the left hand to
move. But the cortex appeared to be ignoring the parts of the brain it normally
communicates with in controlling movement. Instead, it acted more in sync than
usual with a different brain region called the precuneus. That was a surprise,
Cojan said.
precuneus is involved in mental imagery and memory about oneself. Cojan
suggests it was brimming with the metaphors the participants had heard from the
hypnotist: Your hand is very heavy, it is stuck on the table, etc. So, he said,
it might have been telling the motor cortex, "Oh, but your hand is too
heavy, you can't move your hand."
Messages blocked
It's as if the motor cortex "is
connected to the idea that it cannot move (the hand) and so ... it doesn't send
the message to move," Cojan said.
the research, 12 participants had their brains scanned while doing a task that
required them to push a button with one hand or the other. For some sessions,
they were hypnotized and told their left hands were paralyzed. For other
sessions, their mental status was normal. For comparison, six other
participants simply pretended their left hands were paralyzed.
Richard Frackowiak, a brain expert at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland
who didn't participate in the study, called the new work a "very valuable
addition" to research into hypnotic paralysis.
Raz, who studies hypnosis and the brain at McGill University in Montreal, said
he found the work interesting. But he wondered if the results might partially
reflect general effects of being under hypnosis, rather than the paralysis
suggestion itself.
© 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
© 2009
Brain under Self-Control: Modulation of Inhibitory and Monitoring Cortical
Networks during Hypnotic Paralysis
Yann Cojan1,
, Lakshmi Waber3,
Sophie Schwartz1,
Laurent Rossier5,
Alain Forster4
and Patrik Vuilleumier1,
1Department of Neuroscience, University Medical School,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
2Center for Neuroscience, University of Geneva, Geneva,
3Department of Addiction, University Hospital Geneva,
Geneva, Switzerland
4Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
5Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg,
Fribourg, Switzerland
Accepted 26 May 2009. Published: June 24, 2009. Available online 24
June 2009.
Brain mechanisms of
hypnosis are poorly known. Cognitive accounts proposed that executive
attentional systems may cause selective inhibition or disconnection of some
mental operations. To assess motor and inhibitory brain circuits during
hypnotic paralysis, we designed a go-nogo task while volunteers underwent
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in three conditions: normal state,
hypnotic left-hand paralysis, and feigned paralysis. Preparatory activation
arose in right motor cortex despite left hypnotic paralysis, indicating
preserved motor intentions, but with concomitant increases in precuneus regions
that normally mediate imagery and self-awareness. Precuneus also showed
enhanced functional connectivity with right motor cortex. Right frontal areas
subserving inhibition were activated by nogo trials in normal state and by
feigned paralysis, but irrespective of motor blockade or execution during
hypnosis. These results suggest that hypnosis may enhance self-monitoring
processes to allow internal representations generated by the suggestion to
guide behavior but does not act through direct motor inhibition.
Author Keywords: SYSNEURO
2009 Membership Form
New Members:
Name _______________________________________________
Your Birthday (month & day) ______________________________
Classification (Please Check Box)
1Certified Professional 1 Associate
Member 1Mailing List Only
Requested? 1 Yes 1 No
Please make out a check or money order to ASPH and mail to:
Crouch, Treasurer
2805 West Plum Hollow Drive
Anthem, AZ 85086
Phone: 602-348-0477
If you wish to join ASPH, please contact Tracy Crouch, Treasurer.