Next Meeting
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
7:00 p.m. SHARP
Topic: Nomination
for 2010 Officers
Presenter: Lindsay A. Brady
Topic: Perceptionism, not Hypnotism
A provocative
view on hypnotherapy
HomeTown Buffet
(On the
Please no
dining during the meeting.
Click here for driving directions
save you a seat!!
Topic: This year’s most important
meeting …
Officer Nominations for 2009
Please, mark your calendars to be here and
participate in the running of YOUR organization.
It’s that time again, folks.
The November meeting is the time for nominating those who would like to serve
as officers for the ASPH for 2010. If you’d like to support Hypnosis and ASPH
and devote some of your time and energy to the administration and management of
this valuable organization, we’d love to place your name on the ballot as a
candidate for the 2010 slate of officers. If there is someone in the
organization who you feel would make a fantastic officer, please contact them
and ask if they would enjoy accepting a nomination for that position.
To be eligible as a candidate
for ASPH President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, you must
Be a member in
good standing
Have been a
member of ASPH for at least one year
Have attended at
least three regular meetings during the past calendar year
Have someone
present at the meeting to nominate them
Method of Balloting for 2009 to elect officers for
You must a member of ASPH to vote!
At the November meeting, upon
completion of accepting all officer nominations for 2010, attending ASPH
members will have an opportunity to vote and submit their ballots to Tim
Paulson, ASPH Secretary.
For those who are unable
to attend the November 2009 meeting, after the nomination slate has been
approved at the November 2009 meeting, a ballot will be sent to all members by
email. Please vote, sign your ballot and return it to or mail by
Tim Paulson,
ASPH Secretary
Sun City West,
no later than November 28, 2009. Member's name must be on the
ballot or it will not be counted as a vote.
Members without email
addresses will receive their ballots by postal delivery.
Election choices are confidential. They are
delivered to the ASPH Secretary. No one else will see your ballot.
The new officers will be announced at the
December meeting/holiday party.
Nomination procedures and officer’s duties are
attached at the end of this newsletter.
Lindsay A. Brady, C.Ht.
Perceptionism, not Hypnotism
A provocative
view on hypnotherapy
During his presentation
Lindsay will:
Dispel many
false perceptions about the hypnotic process (Which will probably provoke
considerable disagreement from ASPH members)
how human consciousness can use its brain to easily change and alter behavior
Reveal the
driving force behind the hypnotic process
Explain how to
add power to your present approach
Clarify how
the human mind communicates with its brain and body—The “Mind/Brain Connection”
About Lindsay Brady
As a
professional hypnotist since 1970, Lindsay Brady, Certified Hypnotherapist, has
conducted sessions with more than 27,000 clients in a clinical setting and has
"hypnotized" thousands more during demonstrations, stage-show
performances and lectures.
extensively to the promotion of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Lindsay served for
more than 15 years as an officer on the board of the Arizona Society for Professional Hypnosis and was for five terms
its president.
as a leading clinical hypnotherapist, Lindsay's reputation and high success
rate have attracted clients throughout the
An important notice, Lindsay will also have copies of
his exciting new book,
“As The Pendulum Swings”
available at the meeting.
The book is normally priced at $18, but Lindsay will
be offering members in attendance
a special rate of only $15, and he will donate half of
that directly to ASPH.
Thank you Lindsay for your generosity!
Tuesday Meetings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Free for
Certificates &C. E. U. Credit Hours Awarded for
(2 credits per meeting attended)
December –
December 1, 2009 -
Special Time: 6:00 – 9:00PM
Members are free, guests just $11.25
Bring a White Elephant gift ($10 limit)
2010 – Topic to be announced
2010 - KC Miller, Director, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
October 6, 2009
Minutes from the October 6,
2009 ASPH Meeting.
Robert O’Conner called the
meeting to order at 7:05 pm, and introduced the officers, then asked those in
attendance to introduce themselves. We welcomed three people in attendance who
had never been to a meeting before. Robert asked that any information for the
website be emailed to the secretary at
He then announced the publication of Lindsay Brady’s new book, As The Pendulum Swings. Lindsay will be
our featured speaker next month at the November meeting. At this point, Robert
introduced our speaker for the evening, Dr. Ilana Oren, whose topic for the
evening was “Hypnosis for Food Addictions.”
Dr. Ilana H. Oren is
internationally recognized as an expert in Hypnosis. She has presented for
international conferences on the subject of hypnosis and the use of Hypnosis in
the treatment of food and drug addictions. Dr. Oren has been a licensed
Marriage and Family Therapist since 1976, providing counseling services to
individuals, couples and groups. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist and has
successfully used Hypnosis in the treatment of depression, anxiety eating
disorders nicotine and drug addiction. Dr. Oren’s private practice is located
Dr. Ilana Oren began her
presentation with a wonderful guided meditation, which also included a few post
hypnotic suggestions that she would normally use with clients. Later in the
program she handed out a copy of the many suggestions she normally uses.
Twenty-seven years ago Dr.
Oren decided she needed to lose 60 pounds after the birth of her third child.
This is when her approach to weight loss began. She found that in the fast pace
of modern society, we can become addicted to the rush – we get a rush from
being rushed! Through her research, she was able to find emotional triggers
that led people to overeating. For some folks this compulsive behavior happened
to manifest itself in food, but is really no different from any other addictive
behavior, since, “all addictions are emotional addictions.”
Dr. Oren defined two types of
addictions: Substance ( Food,
Alcohol, Drugs, etc.) and Feelings (
Love, Sex, Work, etc.). All addictive
behaviors involve denial, and she stressed that a person must ultimately assume
responsibility for themselves. Essentially, weight management is based on food
consumption (amount and type) and exercise. In order to track one’s weight, Dr.
Oren suggests weighing oneself daily and keeping a detailed account of one’s
She stressed that addiction
is a disease of the feelings, causing a pain/chain response. A person feels the
pain and then acts upon it. This in turn may cause more pain – an endless
cycle. This is why Dr. Oren sees the value in using Hypnosis as an extremely powerful tool for addressing
food addictions, since the subconscious mind accounts for nearly 90% of the
brain. Hypnosis helps a client reduce anxiety, while simultaneously improving
their ability to deal with stress. Post hypnotic suggestions are able to
facilitate change by the replacing harmful activities with more beneficial
Dr. Oren passed out two tests
that she uses to determine if a client has an addiction and if so, the level or
degree it may be affecting the client. The first test is more generalized (“Am
I a Food Addict?”) and the second, “The Carbohydrate Addict’s Test,” is
excerpted from Richard and Rachael Heller’s book on carbohydrate addiction. As
a normal part of life, the person must continue to eat; to increase metabolism,
they may increase meals up to 5 times per day. Behavior modification can
include controlling the size of one’s meal portions (a “portion” should be
roughly the size of one’s palm; a portion for a larger person would be
different than a portion for a smaller person). Each meal should include one
item from the three basic food groups: Fiber, Protein, and Carbs. However, if a
person tested as a Carb Addict, they should limit Carbs to one time per day.
She also suggested that a person become aware of differentiating between a true
physiological hunger and emotional hunger. Emotional hunger may be caused by
boredom, sadness, hurt or emotional pain, loneliness, anger (she noted people
often “chew” when angry),etc. These emotions can cause the addictive
personality to act out, e.g., to eat. To identify this, she uses a scale that
rates hunger from 1 to 10. Real hunger is in the range of 1 to 3 on the scale,
and the person should eat during those times. Rating higher than these numbers
indicates an emotional need for which one can substitute other activities. “You
can experience hunger, but you don’t have to act on it,” stated Dr. Oren,
because “hunger won’t kill you, but obesity will.”
Dr. Oren also handed out a
detailed one-month goal sheet designed to assist clients in tracking their
Behaviors, Feelings, and Thoughts, and identifying times when feelings may
drive them to compulsive eating (e.g., “I was lonely – so I ate”), and steps
they can take to avoid that behavior the next time they experience similar
feelings. One thing she stressed is that the person must be able to experience
some form of love within their lives, not necessarily romantic love, but some
outlet of love. They must also be able to learn to love themselves, regardless
of their current weight. She notes that
depression and obesity may be related.
It’s very important to understand that self-love and self- forgiveness
go hand-in-hand. An exercise she suggests is to have the client write down or
say, “Today, for my own well being I forgive myself for…” (or, “I forgive you
for…”). She also had a suggestion that during trance, the person may view a
trauma on a black-board, and then simply “erase” it.
As part of an overall therapy
program, Dr. Oren strongly suggests her clients also attend an Overeaters
Anonymous meeting regularly for additional help and reinforcement, and to have
a sponsor to whom they are accountable. She notes that the five senses are a
strong contributing factor in altering moods. Some suggestions to mood
improvement can be as simple as taking time to smell the roses! Also, include a
daily uplifting, spiritual or motivational reading to increase positive
feelings. Celebrate your successes—definitely not by going to a restaurant, but
possibly treating yourself to a movie, hike, or some other enjoyable activity.
Following the talk, Robert
asked for any announcements that members may have. Lindsay Brady, our speaker
for November, mentioned he had recently spoken with Max Oppenheimer. He said he
was 93 years old now, but still doing well. Mr. Oppenheimer had written a book
titled, A Yankee At Home, Abroad, in which he detailed his accounts as a
Gibran Sepulveda announced he
is now on Radio Latina at 11:00 for half hour programs, three times weekly,
Tuesday through Thursday. He may also be heard on the Radio Latina website
Robert called for a motion to
adjourn, and the meeting ended at 8:50.
President: Robert O’Connor
Vice-President: Greg
Nielson –
Secretary: Tim Paulson –
Treasurer: Tracy Crouch -
Statutory Agent and
Parliamentarian: Carol Adler –
The ASPH Website is the domain
for Arizona Society for Professional Hypnosis.
Attention All Practicing Hypnotherapists:
you wish to have your contact information listed on the ASPH website followed
by a brief paragraph, 300 words maximum, kindly send this written information (MS
Word Document) to Tim Paulson, ASPH Secretary, by email at as soon as possible.
" Notes from the Statutory Agent:
Carol Adler: "
We look forward to seeing you at our monthly
meetings. If you have any questions about ASPH, please don’t hesitate to
contact us at
Also, if you need copies of the ASPH By-Laws,
Constitution and Code of Ethics or would
like information on the Hypnosis Arizona State Regulations, kindly contact us by email and we will send
them as MS Word attachments.
A reminder … The cut-off date to add
event information to the monthly newsletter is the 14th of the month
following the last meeting, or at the mid-point of the month before the next
meeting. Please submit your event information on or before that date via email
Visitors and guests are welcome to attend two meetings free of
charge, after which they are invited to join ASPH. They also have the option of
paying a $5.00 fee for each month attended thereafter. Spouses and partners of
members are considered part of the ASPH and have free meeting privileges.
C.E.U Credits for National
Guild of Hypnotists are submitted for Members only.
If you wish to become a member, please contact:
Treasurer – Tracy Crouch –
Please see our website at or contact ASPH Secretary,
Tim Paulson, at, for copies of the Constitution, By-Laws and
Code of Ethics.
Helen Daley
Sandi Graves
Alan Handelsman
Kathryn Hunt
If you would like to have your birthday date added
to the ASPH list, please send us that information (your name and birthday month
and day), so we can celebrate with you!! J
Member Newsletter
Announcements should be approximately 1/4 page and ready to cut and paste
into the newsletter. All newsletter announcements must be directly connected to enhancing
hypnosis techniques and therapies or serve as a support to the business and
profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Jannett Edwards is
searching for office space in the vicinity of central Phoenix/Camelback
corridor area.
Please contact
Jannett directly by email at:
Networking Meeting
If you would like to discuss
building your practice, or any other hypnosis related topics over dinner,
plan on arriving at the Home Town Buffet about 6:00pm. Join us in the NW corner
of the dining room for a
relaxed, casual, and stimulating dinner conversation of subjects important to
us all.
Credit Card
Processing Solutions for Your Business
This company is a
preferred vendor of The National Guild of Hypnotists and their members.
Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,
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that's right for you. We also offer solutions for mail order and telephone
order, e-Commerce, Internet and home-based businesses.
Contact Linda Monico
603.475.9345 Cell 1.866.236.5424 Fax
The following members are
available to easily network among ASH members. If you would like to have your contract
information included in this list of ASPH members, please email ( ) with your name, phone number and email address.
Sherry Bertram 602-920-3281
Rebekah Costello 602 316-8561
Sandi Graves
Phil Hamilton 602-330-6886
Alan Handelsman 602-478-8346
(Bob) LaBine 480-948-8673
J. O’Connor
Susan Poznanski
Reed 623 249-5888
Tina Sacchi 623-261-6167
Timbrook 480-201-7723
Some Links
to Professional Association Websites
International Hypnosis Research Institute
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy
Association of Counselors & Therapists
International Hypnosis Federation
International Association for Regression Research
& Therapies Inc.
American Hypnosis
Association - AHA
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute
Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis (AAEH)
Social & Professional Networking on the Internet:
Create your own free hypnosis
“lenses” at Squidoo!
Read any good articles about hypnosis in
a magazine or on the web lately?
Think it’s one that others in our organization would find interesting?
Email a copy or link to the article to
our secretary at to be
included in our next newsletter.
Please vote, sign your
ballot (electronically is okay) and return it to
or mail by U. S. Postal Delivery to Tim Paulson, ASPH Secretary, at 12528 N.
Pinetop Drive, Sun City West, Arizona 85375, no later than November 28, 2009. Member's name must be on the
ballot or it will not be counted as a vote.
Members without email
addresses will receive their ballots by postal delivery.
Election choices are confidential. They are
delivered to the ASPH Secretary. No one else will see your ballot.
ASPH Member Name____________________________________
Phone Numbers:_______________________________________
Email address:________________________________________
Vote for One Candidate
Vice President:
[Ballot is not official unless it bears ASPH member’s signature]