MEETINGS (Amended and Ratified September 4, 2018)

SECTION 1. The regular meeting of the Society shall be on the first Tuesday of each month, unless this Tuesday falls on or within close proximity of a federal or religious holiday, thus making it inconvenient for members to attend. The following Tuesday of that month will then be designated as the meeting date for that month only. The hour of the next meeting shall be set by the ASPH Executive Board. The meeting shall be called to order promptly, providing there is a quorum present. Ten (10) members or 10% of the membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the legal transaction of business at either a regular or special meeting.

SECTION 2. Special meetings shall be called by the President upon request of the Executive Board or ten (10) members of the Society. Meetings must be announced to the rest of the members of the Society by written notice for the purpose for which it is called at least five (5) days and not more than ten (10) days in advance of the time and date of the scheduled meeting. The written notice shall be by email to the members at their email addresses of record with the Society.


SECTION 1. The annual dues of this Society shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per year and will remain as such until change is called for and said change is affirmed by two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in good standing. All dues are payable at the beginning of the new year.

SECTION 2. In addition to the annual dues there shall be an initial one-time initiation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and a one-time certification fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), all of which shall be placed in the General Fund.

SECTION 3. One-time fees and annual dues shall be paid before the candidate for membership is issued their certificate of membership.

SECTION 4. Guests are permitted two (2) free visits at monthly Society meetings; after the second free visit, admission fee is Five Dollars ($5.00) per meeting for the rest of the year. The following year, if the guest wishes to continue attending meetings, they will be required to join as a new member.

SECTION 5. The following ASPH members are exempt from paying annual membership dues:

  • Current Officers
  • Immediate Past President
  • Emeritus Members
  • Parliamentarian

SECTION 6. Members may have the ASPH monthly newsletter posted to them by mail. Annual fee for this service is Twenty dollars ($20.00).


President – shall be chief officer of the Society, shall sign all official documents that are authorized by the Society; shall preside at all meetings of members and enforce order by strict compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws, appoint the chairpersons of all Boards and Committees not otherwise provided for; be ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees; and see that the officers perform their respective duties faithfully and impartially. Except for the Committee chairpersons, all appointments of committee members shall be made by the chairperson of said Committee. While occupying the chair, the President shall take no part in debate. The President shall also transact such other business as may by custom, pertain to that office. The President shall decide all points of law and order subject to appeal, which shall forthwith be considered by the Society. The President, with the Treasurer, shall have access to the ASPH online checking account, i.e., user name and password. The President shall file online the ASPH Annual Report with the Arizona Corporation Commission by June of every year, and pay the annual registration fee with the ASPH debit card. The President by virtue of their office shall have no vote except to break a tie or deadlock. The President shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual.

Vice President – shall assist the President in the performance of their duties. In the absence of the President the duties of the office shall be performed by the Vice President and in the absence of the President and Vice President, their duties shall be performed by the Secretary. The Vice President or Secretary when performing the duties of the President shall have no vote except to break a tie or deadlock. If all three (3) of these Officers are unable to attend a monthly meeting, the Executive Board shall re-schedule the date of the meeting at a time when one of these three (3) officers can be in attendance. The Vice President shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual.

Secretary – shall keep an accurate record of all transactions of each meeting of the Society and Board of Officers’ meetings, and record the same in respective books to be known as the Book of Minutes. The Secretary shall send a monthly newsletter to each member, containing current
announcements, schedule of forthcoming Society meetings, and other information deemed to be of value to members. The newsletter will be sent electronically (by email). It will also be posted on the ASPH website,, for those who do not have email. Internet is now available at many public places, including public libraries. It is the responsibility of each Society member to deliver the most current email address to the Secretary and/or Treasurer. The monthly newsletter shall be sent not less than five (5) days or more than twenty-five (25) days prior to the next meeting date. The Secretary and President shall have access to the email address at where Society emails are sent and received. The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep an accurate database of Society members, including name, address, phone numbers, fax number, email address and URL address. The Secretary is the contact person for all notices and announcements. At the expiration of the Secretary’s term of office, the Secretary shall give a correct report of the business of the office to the Society and deliver to the successor in said office all books and other property belonging to the Society in retiring Secretary’s possession. The Secretary shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual.

Treasurer – The Treasurer shall invoice all members for their annual dues and keep an accurate account of all the monies received and expended. The Treasurer and President shall have access to the ASPH online checking account, i.e., user name and password. The Treasurer shall liaise with the Secretary to keep the Membership Roster and data base of currently paid-up members. This database will contain current member information, i.e., name, address, phone numbers, fax numbers, email address and URL address. The Secretary and Treasurer shall confer and update this database on a monthly basis. The Treasurer’s address shall become the U.S. Postal Service mailing and business banking
address for ASPH during the Treasurer’s term. The Treasurer shall secure the meeting place for monthly meetings as well as the December Holiday Party and administer monthly payments to the rental facility manager. The Treasurer shall take reservations for the December Holiday Party and contact the restaurant manager or party host director at the date when required, for the final count of guests and menu choices. Members bringing guests will be required to send checks to the Treasurer for the amount of the guest fee stated at the October and November meetings prior to the party. At the regular meeting held in December of each year, the Treasurer shall give to all other officers a correct account of all monies in the Society’s checking account. In the interim between the December and January meetings, the Treasurer shall deliver all financial instruments and materials to the newly elected Treasurer. During this time the Treasurer shall also meet with the President and newly elected Treasurer at a branch of the ASPH bank to change the signers’ names on the ASPH checking account. All disbursements made by the Treasurer from any monies held by the Treasurer belonging to the Society shall be paid by check or the ASPH bank debit card. The Treasurer is not authorized at any time on behalf of the Society to make payments by cash. All expenditures that exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall perform all duties as outlined in the current ASPH Systems Manual for the Office of Treasurer.

Parliamentarian – The Parliamentarian shall serve as the resource agent for rules and regulations governing ASPH as stated in the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics. The Executive Board elects the Parliamentarian by majority vote and that person serves in this position until they wish to resign, giving the Society thirty (30) days’ written notice. The Parliamentarian shall update ASPH documents and present these changes to the Executive Board for approval before the membership votes on acceptance. The Parliamentarian is a member of the ASPH Executive Board and has one (1) vote at all Executive Board meetings.


SECTION 1. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The newly elected officers shall be installed at the regular meeting in January of each year by the presiding President or other officers appointed by the presiding President. If one or more of the newly elected officers are absent, they shall be installed at the next regular meeting, and if absent at the third successive meeting, the office shall be declared vacant and a successor elected in the manner provided for the election of officers.

SECTION 2. VACANCIES. Vacancies among the elected officers may be filled by affirmative vote of the majority of the Executive Board. A member elected or appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next regular meeting at which nominations will be held for electing a member to fill the vacated position. The newly elected officer shall fulfill the duties of that person until a successor is elected for the following year.


SECTION 1. All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall have the privilege of resigning at any time provided no charges whatever exist against them. The Secretary and Treasurer shall give the Society thirty (30) days’ written notice and resignations shall be accepted, provided no charges whatever exist against them.

SECTION 2. Any elected office holder may be impeached for violation of the provisions of the Constitution and/or By-Laws. It shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present to order the trial of an officer on charges preferred.

SECTION 3. When needed, the Board of Ethics and Standards shall be appointed by the President. This Board shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members and a maximum of five (5) members.

SECTION 4. Any member of ASPH who may have charges against them shall appear upon notified to do so by the Board of Ethics and Standards. The accused member shall be allowed a fair and impartial hearing on charges preferred against the said member. All charges shall be made in writing, and proper notice given to the accused.

SECTION 5. The verdict shall stand unless appealed to, and reversed by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Board of Officers. Any member preferring charges against another member for the purpose of maliciously or otherwise injuring such member, shall be liable to suspension or expulsion from the Society by the same above procedure.


SECTION I. All monies collected from membership fees and dues shall be placed in the General Fund and all expenses shall be paid from this fund.


SECTION 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Emeritus Members, and Parliamentarian. The Board shall be the governing body and shall have the authority to perform all duties and transact the business to accomplish the aims and objectives of the Society in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.

(Amended and Ratified September 4, 2018) SECTION 2. Emeritus Members. Emeritus members are permanent members of the Board of Officers and shall have one (1) vote at Executive Board meetings. Emeritus Members are exempt from payment of annual membership dues. ASPH members who have been given Current Emeritus status shall be listed by name on the ASPH Website.

  • Lindsay Brady, CHt.
  • Leo Gagnon, CHt.
  • Robert J. O’Connor, CHt.

SECTION 3. Meetings. An Executive Board Meeting will take place immediately after the December meeting preceding the January meeting. Subsequent meetings thereafter during that year will be scheduled at the discretion of the President and one additional member of the Executive Board. The President will notify Executive Board members at least ten (10) days in advance of the date and location of each additional Executive Board meeting. At least three (3) officers must be present at an Executive Board meeting.

SECTION 4. Nomination and election of the Board of Officers. No members shall be eligible as a candidate for office unless the candidate is in good standing, has been a member at least one year (1), and/or has attended at least three regular meetings during the past calendar year. Nomination of officers shall be at the regular Society meeting in November of each year. A member must be present at the November meeting wherein said member’s name is placed in nomination unless said member is verifiably with a client or patient, or is absent on account of sickness.

SECTION 5. The election of officers shall be held prior to the third week of December of each year. All candidates are to be elected by ballot and those receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected at the regular December meeting.

SECTION 6. The method of balloting shall be decided each year as directed by the Board of Officers.

SECTION 7. Quorum. Except as provided otherwise in the case of the Board of Officers, a majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


SECTION 1. Web Domain. ASPH’s web domain names are and

SECTION 2. Web Domain Registration and Passwords. The appointed webmaster/web host for the ASPH website, and the President shall be in charge of retaining ASPH contact information for the domain registration company and address. The appointed webmaster/web host, and current Secretary shall retain user name, passwords, File Transfer Protocol (ftp) user name and password, and all other proprietary information
pertaining to the ASPH website.

SECTION 3. All invoices for the website and web domain accounts as pre-approved by the membership, shall be sent to the ASPH Treasurer, who is responsible for paying these invoices in a timely manner.

SECTION 4. The appointed webmaster and web host will work integrally with the current ASPH Secretary to post and maintain the most current data and content for the organization and its membership. The ASPH Secretary shall be the contact person for all matters pertaining to the website and web hosting.

SECTION 5. At the first Board Meeting of the year, the Executive Board shall review all aspects of the website, including but not limited to administration, hosting, budget, structure and content, and appoint a committee if necessary for developing recommendations for revision. The website committee will present this list of recommendations to the Executive Board for their approval. The list will then be presented to the membership for a vote at the next monthly meeting.


First time non-ASPH member presenters who give a monthly presentation are entitled to free membership for the rest of that fiscal year.
Non-ASPH members who gave a presentation in the past will be treated as “guests” during the following fiscal year(s). They are entitled to two (2) free guest visits. After that time, if they wish to attend subsequent meetings during that fiscal year, they will be required to
join as a first-time member and pay the first-time fees as well as the regular ASPH annual membership dues. Non-ASPH member presenters who become returning presenters during another fiscal year are entitled to free membership for the rest of that fiscal year. At any time thereafter,
if they would like to join ASPH, the one-time fees are waived and they will be required to pay only annual membership dues.


  1. Call meeting to order promptly.
  2. Officers introduce themselves.
  3. Welcome ASPH members and visiting guests.
  4. Have everyone introduce themselves by name and identify themselves as members or guests with brief comment as to reason for attending.
  5. Accept new applications for memberships.
  6. Have members share information on upcoming classes or events related to Hypnosis or their Hypnosis practice.
  7. Conduct and discuss necessary ASPH business matters (old and new).
  8. Have a short (less than 5 minutes) guided visualization for centering and focus.
  9. Introduce the presenter of the monthly topic.
  10. Present the evening’s topic with follow-up questions and answer period.
  11. Ask for discussion, questions and sharing of positive hypnosis-related experiences; share challenging client situations with creative suggestions from the group.
  12. Thank everyone present for attending and for their contribution to the evening’s discussion.
  13. Announce next month’s presentation topic and facilitator.
  14. Call for a motion to adjourn.


SECTION I. These By-Laws shall be amended in the manner as specified in Article IX of the Constitution.


Alan Handelsman


Odette Fay


Lindsay Brady


Debbi Combs


Thomas Wheeler

Emeritus Members

Carol Adler
Kate Ellis